Safeguarding Policy
The safety and well-being of all of young people is at the heart of everything we do at Media Mania.
The Media Mania Board of Directors recognises and values greatly the safety of young people, taking full responsibility for ensuring that the company works tirelessly to ensure that best practice is implemented across all of the companies operational, administrative and development activities without compromise. This policy, together with the accompanying guidance notes and training programme, is a clear and unequivocal statement of intent that demonstrates our commitment to all of young people, their families, our staff, our funders, supporters and all of the other key stakeholder partners from across the communities within which we work.
The development and communication of this policy is once again a clear step in providing everyone working as part of Media Mania with a clear understanding of what is expected from them when working with schools and other settings and their young people.
To ensure awareness and understanding of the changes to the policy and the practical application of it to working practices at all levels, an updated programme of comprehensive training and development for all paid and voluntary members of our team will follow its publication. The Board of Trustees will also ensure that we not only continue to charge our team of people with employing all of the good practice guidelines and principles set out within the policy at all times, but also look to continue to develop and improve our policies and practices by constantly reviewing and updating our procedures as and when legislation or other reasons require it. We will have a dedicated team accountable to the Trustees and the Executive Leadership Team who will undertake this work.
I would like to thank everyone for their continued commitment to the development of this core piece of our work. I now set down the challenge to everyone involved with Media Mania to embrace the principles set out within it and to continue to provide the highest quality, safe, effective and child friendly environments within which all young people can reach their potential.
Media Mania Designated Safeguarding Officers Team
Media Mania charity will have a dedicated Safeguarding and Child Protection Team accountable for:
Reviewing and updating the policy and procedures/practices
Carrying out investigations relating to Safeguarding and Child Protection matters
Reporting to and advising the Board of Directors on all Safeguarding and Child Protection matters.
The Designated Safeguarding Team is currently: Ray Tait (Child Protection Consultant) and Dave Mills (Youth Work Leader)
Raising concerns, making disclosures and/or reporting safeguarding matters should be sent to:
By calling the Safeguarding Team on 07968 012568 or 07726 882693 .
This policy was published in December 2020
The date for the next review of the policy is December 2021